Long beach 2007 is a long, long ways away.
What a weekend it was in Long Beach! I had so much fun talking to so many different people. Thank you to all the great people who came up to me and offered kind words, whether it was for Overheard (2006 Long Beach edition coming soon) or for this blog. We’re just one happy family in my opinion and we’re all in this together!
My understanding is that attendance was through the roof and although this is hardly scientific, I can vouch for it just from walking through the crowds during the weekend and seeing the stands packed from my vantage point. The event, in my humble opinion, was the best I have seen it in 6 years that I have been attending it. I know my history doesn’t go back too far, but this was the best in 6 years. I think Champ Car owning the race had a lot to do with it. There was this feeling of confidence in the air. Last year, it seemed everybody was on pins and needles. This year, we own the joint baby! I think that had a lot to do with it.
One thing’s for sure, the on-track competition was great. When you consider than Jan Heylen was the top rookie finisher, you know something’s right with the series. I know that the crashes had a lot to do with it, and it became a race of attrition to a certain extent, but nonetheless, the ontrack product is there. Its better than I have seen it for a while. The rookies are the story. Pizzonia is fast. Darn fast I assure you. Will Power is taking his two-race experience from 2005 and using it to his advantage. Speedy Dan Clarke is got a solid team behind him and that’s going to help. Katherine, well, let’s not kid ourselves, she struggled this weekend. I am certain that she’s not happy with her 8th place result. And she probably shouldn’t be. She struggled this weekend, but in her defence, her teammates didn’t do much better (i’m talking overall weekend performance in terms of car power and whatnot, not just race results). All in all, PKV had a tough weekend.
Trust me my friends, it would be very hypocrite of me to criticize the IRL for Danicamania and turn around and do it myself. I promise you that I will treat Katherine like a regular rookie in the series, just like she wants to be treated. The story this weekend in terms of rookies was Will Power and Jan Heylen and, quite frankly, that’s a great surprise to a lot of people!
I know I have said this before my friends, but how good is Sebastien Bourdais?? Champ car is so lucky to have him! We get to witness a true phenom every weekend. Something that only comes around…heck I don’t even know how often someone like that comes around. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I said it best during the race “there is nothing he isn’t very good at”. He just does everything exceptionally well and the good news for Newman/Haas after this weekend is that it appears that Mr. Bourdais has not lost ANY motivation, despite being the back to back champion. Much to the chagrin of the other teams, I’m sure. We talk about Tiger Woods, we talk about Lebron James. Players that come around once or twice in a lifetime. Sebastien is in that category, no question about it.
My favorite part of the weekend had to be the steep learning curve I had to endure figuring out 29 Atlantic drivers! It was so much fun and I think I did okay, although I know I made a few mistakes here and there. Congratulations to Andreas Wirth and Team Forsythe. I think I will be saying that a lot this season.
Here’s the most interesting thing of the weekend: about half the IRL field was there, hanging out. From Dixon to Andretti to Danica. All there, just chillin’. You probably know by now Kalkoven’s press conference speech: walking to the podium and saying “yes, we are still talking” and then stepping down. I tell you folks, and I know a lot of people don’t want to hear this, but we are close to a merger. Its not a question of if, it’s a question of when. Suddenly, we are friends with the IRL. We went from bitter enemies to a love-in. Personally, I don’t care because I look at their field and I know we would blow ‘em out of the water. We have better drivers, plain and simple. I know Hornish and Wheldon are solid and a handful of others are decent, but we are much, much better. No question about it! Robin Miller will finally be happy. He won’t have to be reminded every weekend where he is and which series he needs to preach on that particular weekend.
I am off to Denver for a couple of days and when I get back, I should have a couple of days to get an OHATT off to you guys. I also did an interview with the Broadcast team about their predictions on the upcoming season. It’s a 7 minute interview and I just looked at it and its so much fun, these guys get along so great that I might just leave it as is, uncut. We shall see!
Houston, May 13th.
danica may have been there. but i was watching legge
Eric, It was a great season opener in a many ways, the crowd looked great and the support races were great and the Champ Cars did their thing to. The momentum is still building and I don't think they can slow this monster now. I think after a few days have passed Katherine will be pleased with her efforts and rightly so. How about Tags and DaMatta too, great showings. Did you get a chance to see the TV broadcast yet, I hope you do, I would like to hear your comments on this.
hey DW, I didn't see the television broadcast. what I read from crapwagon.com is that it wasn't very well done. Unfortunately, I can't comment, cause I didn't see it.
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