Wednesday, March 30, 2005

your help

Jos Verstappen, Bjorn Wirdheim, Timo Glock…what a potentially fantastic field. Champ Car truly deserves the privilege of calling itself a “World Series”. With this influx of ex-Formula One drivers coming over to join our series to battle it out with the best North American drivers available, we have the elements of a true classic Champ Car year! Imagine being lucky enough to attend a race and see these guys battle it out on the track. Even the casual fan, who comes for the beer and girls will be impressed by the skills of these drivers. And with our so-called spec series, there is as much pressure on the crew to make the car go as fast as possible and handle as well as it can, in order to give the driver the ability to use his driving skills as best he can.

Just a quick point here: I know that different powerplants and different chassis are part of the tradition of racing. Since the beginning of the sport, it’s been an engine competition as much as a driver competition. To me, that’s fine. But, if you look at other professional sports, they are all lined-up with the same equipment. Football players wear the same shoulder pads, baseball players use essentially the same bat, which they tweak to their preference. They go out on the field and settle who is the best. That’s the bottom line and that’s what the Champ Car World Series is doing these days. I fully understand the economic need of having different engines doing battle with each other and whatnot. If Champ Car wants to return to those days in the future, then so be it. But, as a fan, I will miss what we have going on these days. The sport truly defines the term team, in every way, shape or form.

Okay, back to the influx of European drivers. As your dedicated PA announcer, it is my job to learn as much as I can about these drivers in order to provide the crowd with the most accurate information. I need to learn everything I possibly can about them. I need to get into their heads so I can anticipate their next move. I need to find nicknames for them.

What better way to welcome our European friends than providing them with a nickname. This is where I need your help. I will gladly and appreciatively hear all suggestions. Please feel free to email me or to post a comment, or heck, even post them on crapwagon. I noticed that this blog went ‘public’ yesterday, so I may as well take advantage. I’ve known Matt and Marissa for a while now and what they’ve done with the website is truly amazing. If you haven’t dropped by, check it out the link on the left (right side of the screen. My right. Your left? Who’s left? Right?).

Jos the boss is the obvious one and works…in Europe! :)

Timo Glock

Bjorn Wirdheim (if he signs, he may be the toughest one to find a nickname for)

And of course, all the other rookies. And current drivers, why not?

Help me!! :)

Speaking of nicknames, I really hope that Brock the Jock Haberfeld lands a ride in the series. He is a fantastic driver and nobody exploded more onto the scene than he did in St. Petes in 2003. For what its worth, I think he was told to calm himself following that aggressive move on Junquiera and, understandably, as a rookie probably listened. Last year was somehow a write-off with the Reynard. But with a Lola? He would fly!! But I digress.
Also, Ronnie Bremer was really really impressive last year in the Atlantics. Arguably more impressive than Andrew Ranger. Both are very fast, both are naturals, which is why both should be in our series.

Champ Car baby! Champ Car for life!


At 3:55 PM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bjorn Wirdheim = Wirdy-bird. No problem. :D

At 7:55 PM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wirdheim...easy, Bjorn to Run!

At 8:52 PM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timo Glock 9.

At 4:50 AM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glock the C...

At 9:55 AM EST , Blogger Eric Gagnon said...

all good suggestions.

though it may be difficult to get away with saying Glock the c..., if he pulls a bonehead move during the season, it'll be hard to resist. :)

keep 'em coming!


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